Take Time Away
The Vinedresser's House, located between the stunningly beautiful mountain ranges of Northern California, where volcanoes loom over millions of acres of forest lands, is a training and renewal ministry, meeting the various needs of those who serve others.
The weary come to us to experience an atmosphere of peace in which rest, restoration and rejuvenation are made possible. We care for your needs while you care for your mind, body and spirit. We offer coaching, pastoring and training that heals minds, hearts and souls.
The wounded come to us for the rebuilding of the mind heart and soul. Within the safety of a beautiful, natural biblical setting, coaching, pastoral counseling and care are administered to the heart that has been hurt. We meet personal needs in a way that one can find focus and with compassionate care, be met.
The learner comes to us to begin or continue the educational, community, and support system that empowers those who spend their lives in serving others. Our program offers a One, Two And Three Year Ministry Certification, Two Chaplaincy Trainings, and several Continuing Education Courses. In addition, we offer a plethora of teaching for those who in leadership of all kinds.
Our ministry is capable of caring for a singles, families church organizations and other large and small groups of people. We offer small, personal retreats in unique ways that bring our guests to a renewal of life and hope. We believe that beauty, care, love and comfort are essential elements of growth, healing, respite and restoration.
There are only two things that pierce the human heart. One is beauty. the other is affliction. ~~ Simone Weil
Find hope and healing through beauty and community at the Vinedresser's House

We Have What You Need
Whether you are learning to serve, want to know how to better serve, tired from serving or wanting courage to keep serving, we are here for your needs. Our staff, teachers, helpers, coaches, pastoral counselors, and administrators have the experience and knowledge that will help you discover and grow into your calling. We can also help you recover from difficulties and wounds you have suffered while serving in ministry, laity, or public service.

Pay It forward
The experience of peace, healing and knowledge provided at The Vinedresser's House forever changes people who are in need of life giving help. Many of these people could not come here without someone, who cares for others, having a heart that is willing to offer help.
You can be the one who changes a life.
Will you?
Questions? Call us at 530-215-7380 or leave us a message: