The Compassion Method
The met or unmet needs of our youth set the emotional standard for our adulthood. Even the best childhoods have experiences that impacted the brain during its development (0-12 years). These experiences build pathways in the brain that cause reactions in perceived similar situations. These reactions are labeled "triggers' and leave the brain in an intensely emotional state.
The Compassion Method takes those triggers seriously and through learning and healing experiences, retrains the brain so that it can think clearly, be tenderhearted, at peace.
The Compassion Method
Discover your own mind and rewire the way thoughts are processed!
Find Your True Self
Ron and Deborah’s pastoral experience and passion for emotional wellness makes them especially adept at the skills needed to help others discover beautiful process of healing through the Compassion Method.
The Compassion Method consists of Six life giving modules.
The first module focuses on ‘triggered self’ (to be emotionally upset) and how to sift through reactive emotions that leave one feeling overwhelmed, hopeless and frustrated. The process allows one to get to the tender emotions through which the neuro processes of the brain can be rewired. This allows the brain to return to clear minded, tender heartedness and peace.
The second module focuses on discovering child self (the person who was originally wounded in the early years of life) which parallels true self (the God formed inner person with a wonderful, unique personality), which was most likely has been buried or covered over time. This allows the emotions to heal and grow.
The third module focuses on filling in emotional gaps with real people who were gift givers (those who may or may not have been immediate care givers but provided love and compassion) to emotional needs left unmet in formative years. This reminds the brain of care thought missing and ministers to wounding.
The fourth module focuses on the power of self compassion as Jesus taught in Matthew 22:37-39. Scripture teaches that we are to love others as we love ourselves. Thus, it is necessary to learn how to care for ourselves if we want to show love to others. This teaches the heart balanced, biblical personal value.
The fifth module differentiates between shame (I am bad) and true identity (I am a beautiful person who sometimes does things wrong or makes mistakes) and brings healing to areas of shame by uncovering lies believed about self and ends the repeating cycles of sin spawned by the misbelief that one is “not enough”.
The last module focuses on true self characteristics (discovering the wonderful person one is made to be) as opposed to the triggered self characteristics. Finding one’s identity is a fundamental element of free living. This gives foundation to enjoy the dream life one was designed to live by Father God.
Compassion Classes are available yearly at the Vinedresser’s House.
Sometimes the need is too personal for a classroom situation. Ron and Deborah are available for personal appointments and care, by appointment.