Beit HaKorem
School of Ministry Formation
Learning is Becoming
We at the Vinedresser's House believe that ministry and service are built upon the foundation of a commitment to spiritual knowledge and experience. To understand a calling is one thing, to know how to accomplish that calling is a much more difficult task. Proper spiritual, mental and physical education, training, community involvement and accountability are necessary for successful service. In America, the average pastor leaves ministry in less than five years. Currently, we are losing 1500 pastors per month across the US. Other ministry and service professionals are only slightly behind that number in exiting their calling. We believe this trend can and should be turned around. While those called to ministry service have multitudes who are seeking help from them, there are few places that provide help to them. Beit HaKorem School of Ministry provides the minister, lay minster, and service worker with tools, knowledge, community and opportunities that enable long lasting ministry. Our program balances spiritual, mental, physical and psychological training so that the minister or servant is able to successfully care for others, and also the self, in long and short term service.
Through an initial One and Two year Ministry Certification process, the learner will gain the skills and support needed to begin or develop a personal ministry calling. Our Third Year learners are apprenticed and mentored by a long term minister or service professional within a curriculum developed specific to their calling. Third year persons are then qualified to pursue License or Ordination through The Vinedresser's House Ministry.
We offer Chaplaincy training for those who wish to work with and for those who serve in critical disaster situations. In addition, we cater training programs to other specific church and ministry needs. ​
What do you need to know? Are you just beginning your journey in ministry? Are you seeking initial knowledge? Are you looking for further training, licensing or ordination? Come, we have what you need.

For those who are interested in deep knowledge of Biblical truth in theology (the study of God), an understading of relationship and community, beginning leadership skills, and Personal growth in spiritual life.

For those who desire a deeper ability to both understand and effectively teach biblical subjects and principles, become a servant leader, understand spiritual others care and self care, and want to have effective, affectionate and lasting relationships with others.

For those who want to obtain a ministry or service license with the goal of serving part or full time in a ministry or para ministry organization.
Our Educational Administrative Team
Our Educational Administrative Team includes qualified and experienced professors, caretakers and teachers from multiple backgrounds, education style and denominations.
Our additional class teachers and professors are highly educated and experienced individuals who share their knowledge in such a way that makes learning possible for students of any age or circumstance.
Beit HaKorem School of Ministry
We would be honored to discuss your educational and formational journey. Whether you are new to learning or are in need of continuing education classes, Contact us! We have what you need~