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Writer: Penni ElainePenni Elaine

Seriously?  Is this for real?


I tried not to gawk.  I’m not at all sure I succeeded.  I hope I did not look as astounded as I felt.  This.  Ya.  This is, well. . .this is way more than I would have ever imagined.  Seriously. No.  You can’t understand.  It is quite literally beyond my rational thinking.


The turn is less than 3 miles from the state highway.  It sits above our world, on a plateau. Twenty-six acres of flat land, backed by sloping forest gently flowing back to the road.  The driveway switched back unexpectedly. I whispered a 'thank You,' because it was paved well enough to keep me from swerving.  We drove up to the house, both of us sort of chuckling at it's immense size. All I could think was,


Really, Lord?


We exited my little Ford Escape, which was made to look even smaller by the enormity of the building.  I could not help myself.  I started to laugh, but my sense of decorum shamed me into a straight face.  This place is over the top.  Gorgeous from every angle, it is somehow both majestic and inviting. It is far more than the farmhouse God had us leave behind. It is stately, modern, exquisitely put together, but makes you want to go in and feel at home.


We walked up to the door not knowing what would happen next.  However, when a beautiful, kind, soft spoken woman opened the door, we knew this would be a memorable visit.  She was considerate and informative.  Her husband joined us and we looked all the way through the house, at the apartment in the garage, and the exterior area. When we found ourselves in  the pool area, we slowly spun a 360.  I shook my head in wonder and let out a silent 'wow'.  There was a gorgeous view in every direction. 

Really, Lord?


It is quiet.  It is private.  I sleeps two to three times as many people as the Adin property.  It is powered by solar and watered by an artesian well.  The property is suited for ministry growth.  It has room for cabins, or better, tiny houses.   The pool, perfectly clear and inviting, is surrounded by decorative yet functional fence, and is situated between barbeque and sitting areas.  In the back, past the chicken area and raised garden beds, there is room for a vineyard.


 I walked the place feeling slightly delusional.  Nothing could be this perfect. It is nearly six thousand square feet, with 5 bedrooms capable of 3-4 people each, or if needed, a single couple.  It has two large living spaces that double as teaching areas capable of holding at least 5o people.  Oh! and there is a massive kitchen.  All I can say about the kitchen is I would likely spend most of my non-teaching time in that space. 


Lastly, and almost most importantly, it is accessible.  It’s only about 20 minutes from Interstate 5.  It’s about the same distance from the local airport.  No one would be upset about the travel time.  In fact, it cut about two and a half hours from what Adin required.  Millville is a gorgeous place.  It’s calm and peaceful and beautiful. It is far enough from civilization to give serenity, yet close enough to make it easily found. It is perfect for what God has called us to do.


We talked and prayed with the owners and all of us decided to set this whole thing before God and ask for His desire to be revealed.  It will be a process to get into a place this big. It will be a miracle bigger than the one it took to get us into the house at Adin.  That place cost us nothing.  Not one dime.  God provided that house, from the internet all the way down to the chickens.  The Millville house is double the space. Its downright intimidating to my finite mind. But God is not intimidated by bigger or more or what looks impossible.  I know for sure it does not look overwhelming to him.  After all, He created the universe.  This house is a tiny thing in comparison.  If He can work out the details of where each star should shine, he can work out how we get into any house on this planet. 


We are waiting on his direction and provision.  All of us.  Ministry leaders, land and home owners, and those who support us.  We are praying and watching and waiting for Him to do what only He can do.  There are those who are willing to invest in the ministry, and those who are already invested.  So we came together before God and we asked


Really Lord?


Is something this big and this beautiful what you would like us to have for the sake of your people? Is it for the sake of those who will become your people through their experience here? Is that why Adin fell away in only one night?  Is that what you are doing?  If it is what you are doing, show us what you are doing next so that we may be a part of your plan coming to completion.


God is like that you know.  One trusting step at a time.  Leave Adin. Check. Move in with a friend. Check, Go look at new property. Check. Believe new property will work. Check.  Next?  listen, then obey.  You never know what will happen. It may throw you for a loop. God definately has a sense of humor. Have you ever looked back over your life and laughed at how things happened? I think it cracked God up to see us in shock like that.  To see me trying to control my chuckling.  To see my wide eyes and my wagging head.  To see me do my best to honor those who built the house and to respect their time in it.  To hear me thinking all the while,


Really, Lord?


I think he gets a kick out of my heart jumping and my poking Pat (Now, stop wondering who Pat is and go to the Spiritual Renewal page.  He is there, pic and all) in his side while we wander through rooms we both know would mean the healing of people who need help in their journey; rooms that could also bring learners together around a table that not only brings an experience of truth and fact but also love and community.  Both of us, in moments we knew would not be seen, let our eyes get as big as saucers and let small giggles escape.


Lord, you are amazing.


So now we pray, and we obey what comes next.  Finance meetings and organizational meetings and praying for a way to survive monetarily in the in-between.  It’s a full time job to put this thing together in a new place, but somehow I have to find time to make money for the essentials.  Only God will be able to put all these pieces together, but He is using us to set them for Him.


Our Job?  Trust and obedience.  God’s job?  Outcome. 


It’s all up to him.  That, Dear One, is an awesome and amazing and wonderful thing.  It is not up to us to make it happen. Its up to us to follow God's leading. See, God gets stuff done.  No one can stop Him, impede Him, intimidate Him or outspend Him.  If this is His plan, all we have to do is go do what He leads us to do. 

After all, He somehow managed to get us moved out of Adin and led us to meet the people who actually have the power to put this together, and He did it within a span of 14 days. Most of these people had never laid eyes on one another before last week. Yes, indeed. Providence is at work. God gets it done alright.


In the meantime, every time I get a glimpse of one of the mountains (through the many trees) around my current house, I am reminded of that unspeakably beautiful view. I find myself astounded and I have to ask again,


Really Lord?

Oh Boy. Do I hope so!



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