Spiritual Renewal
We at the Vinedresser's House believe that Spirtual Renewal is the path to Life Renewal. When one lives at peace with God and self, the discovery of purpose, power and personal calling are possible. We are here to set the spirit at ease by serving the heart (the residence of your spirit) and to care for practical needs in such a way that renewal is a natural response.

Pastors and Coaches

Everyone needs a confidant and friend. Pastors and Coaches spend their lives caring for people in every life situation. At the Vinedresser's House, our manager, Penni Elaine, has been pastoring people for 30 years. She has specialized in situations involving difficulties, trauma, abuse, social difficulties and family matters. She will gladly walk with you along your journey. If you prefer a male pastor, she will connect you with one.
If you find coaching more comfortable, Penni will switch roles, or connect you with a competent, educated coach who will help you navigate your needs and find resolutions, solutions and spiritual freedom.
You matter. Your difficulties, your hurts, your questions, your confusion, your losses and failures are worthy of discussion. Penni, as well as all of the pastors and coaches at the Vinedresser's House are here to help. All information will forever remain confidential and legally protected.
If you are interested in Pastoring, Coaching or the Compassion Method, give Pastor Penni a call or send an email. She will match you to the right person.
We can help you
Call or email us to match you with an appropriate pastor, coach or compassion method provider
or choose from below and contact personally!

Ron and Deborah Freise
Ron and Deborah Freise are passionate lovers of Jesus who carry the healing substance of a Father and Mother heart.
Ron began his ministry as a Lutheran pastor in 1972, right here in the Northern California mountains, in the small town of Bieber. He and Deborah have served God in a number of capacities, including pastoral settings, missions, seminars, trainings and prison ministry, all of which are biblically , and thus, relationally based.
They currently serve as Pastoral Ministry Mentors in Northern California. Both Ron and Deborah are certified Compassion Method Consultants* and have helped many people come to peace in their mind, body, soul and spirit.
They are committed, loving people who genuinely meet the needs of those who are hurting. They hold relationship in higher regard than they do programmatic activities, and thus they leave everyone knowing that they personally matter. The Vinedresser's House values them as family. They are available for care, coaching and consultation.
For private Zoom or in person appointment, contact at:
Email: rdfreise@freiseministry.org
Caregivers, Coaches and Counselors

Penni Elaine
Penni Elaine has been helping people in need for 36 years. She has worked with trauma, crisis, history healing and abuse recovery; as well as pastoring and coaching people in personal growth, family issues, parenting and other relational subjects. Penni helps people find healing through the presence of Jesus in prayer, allowing the presence of God to come to where it hurts and bring healing through changing the way of thinking.
Penni holds a Masters in Divinity and pastored a church in Burney CA with the PCUSA. She now teaches spiritual formaiton classes in multiple subjects. She knows wounding and pain herself as a survivor of child abuses, domestic violence and psychological terrorizing. She gets what it is like to live life in fear, and she understands what it takes to get to a place of peace. She loves those who are hurting and is a safe place to find healing.
Penni is the Director of the Vinedresser's House and is committed to being sure that every person who comes gets what they, personally, need.
For private Zoom or in person appointment, contact at:
Email: pennielaine2021@gmail.com
text: 530-215-7380
Contact Us!

Dr. Patrick Blewett
Pat Blewett joined Simpson University in 2013 as dean of A.W. Tozer Theological Seminary. He is an ordained minister in the Christian & Missionary Alliance. His background includes over 30 years of Christian higher education and pastoral experience. He has multiple certifications and other training, including Pastoral Counseling and Peacemakers. He has exceptional expertiese in bringing people to a place of forgiveness and reconciliation.
Pat has a deep intellectual and emotional understanding of the issues ministry forces one to face. He has counseled countless pastors, students and lay ministers through thier difficulties and led through their personal wounds to a place of healing and restoration.
Pat is a loving, non judgemental man who is deeply concerned with helping people to personal spiritual health, so that thier ministries will be saturated with the weight of Jesus. Pat is available for Counseling, Coaching and Teaching.

Terry King
Terry King is a retired Registerd Nurse Prehospital Intensive Care Paramedic. She also has expertise in Post Traumatic Stress Management, having worked with the Burney California Fire district and Mayers Memorial Hospital on their PTSD team.
Terry spent her carreer caring for people in crisis and professionally teaching others how to successfully minister in those capacities.
Since her retirement, Terry has moved her focus to full time ministry and prayer. She is a committed intercessory warrior, focusing her petitions on leadership within ministries, especially pastors. Terry also leads a support group for the grieving. She is able to teach anyone how to hear and talk to God in a life changing way, so that the broken and hurting can find peace, rest, recovery and restoration.
She is available for intercession, teaching, coaching and care.